“A Week with Nature”, begins  at  Jimmy McGilligan Centre For Sustainable Development  on June1, 2017 . This week   long   (June1-6,2017 ) programme  is aimed  at involving and seeking peoples particiapation in   UNEP’s World Environment Day programme on  June 5, 2017 “to think globally and act locally .

During this week,  Jimmy McGilligan Centre will be  organizing and hosting daily experiences with Nature and practical  activities like interactions  drawing ,painting and  learning  for people   of all age-groups coming  from all walks of life ( all free of cost) .

The Centre will  facilitate  process of sensitizing people, making them aware and realize and internalize  the urgency and need  to act  individually as well as collectively to protect and conserve nature that includes Mineral, Vegetable  and Animal Kingdoms. Programmes will be participatory and interactive .Activities will include viewing  Nature in its different forms like   Raining.Sunrise, Sun set, bird watching, moon & stars-gazing, to understand the need to save Mother  Earth all the Five elements of Creation ,Conserve  Natural Resources by activities like  walk with herd of goats/ cows and listen to  Music, Poetry and  Inspiring prayers relating to Nature all in local language .

All the participants will bring home made indigenous food to share and learn eating without generating any waste.  All present , will share their time, food, ideas and plans to become more Nature Friendly.

Environmentalist, Activists and Nature Lovers, Vandana Shiva, Dilip Chinchalkar , Dev Kumar Vasudevan  , Ashish Dubey,  Shubha Vaidya ,Rashmi Joshi,Chinmay Mishra, Anurag Shukla   Dinesh Kothari  and Sameer Sharma and Green Heroes of Indore Mr Arun Dike, Ambrish Kela and PTC’s head SP Maneesha Pathak Soni , Janak Palta McGilligan will facilitate different sessions .

One week programmes will be concluded with action plans like dropping seed balls on neghbouring hilltops and participating in hundreds of thousands Tree plantation on Dev Guradia Mountain  and in Indore on July2, 2017 . Participants will also be motivated to adopt waste free life style , going for Organic food and  use of renewable sources energy .

Valedictory programme starts at 11. 30 on June 6, 2017 Maneesha Pathak sharing the experience of planting 13,500 trees and Sameer Sharma on  Water Conservation. Participants will share week long learning and action plans .  Programme will be presided by Mrs Smita BharadwajIAS Managing Director  MPFC, and Chief Guest will be Vandana Shiva .

Venue is  Jimmy McGilligan Centre For Sustainable Development  in  village  Sanawadiya in Indore district .

Inauguration Jun 1, 2017 5-8 pm

On Jan1, 2017, Inaugural programme will include  Viewing Sun set ,welcome and Introduction of UNEP by Janak Palta McGilligan followed by opening remarks by Mr. Dev Kumar Vasudevan and Shubha Vaidya ,  Prayers ,Poetry and Music by Sangeet Gurukul,  Painting on the theme of Nature  . A  Slide show will be given by Sameer Sharma on “Purpose of life: Spiritual Responsibility to Save Nature “ .

Schedule June1-6, 2017

Date & Day Timings Activity Resource Persons Organizer/Hosts/Venue



Jun1, 2017





5- 8 p m


  • Inauguration of “ World Environment Week  Being with Nature with “Viewing Sun Set”


  • Prayers ,Poetry and Music  about Nature  by Sangeet Gurukul


  • Our Flora and Fauna


  • Painting on the theme of Nature
  • Presentation  “Purpose of life: Spiritual Responsibility to Save Nature “ .





  • Dr. Janak Palta     McGilligan



  •  Anurag Shukla




  • Dev Kumar Vasudevan


  • . Suhbha Vaidya



  •  Sameer Sharma





Jimmy McGilligan Centre For Sustainable Development




Village Sanawadiya Kampel Road Dist. Indore

June 2,

Friday 2017

10-1 p m
  • Healthy Soil / Seeds


  • Food of India


Arun Dike


Chinmay Mishra


Jimmy McGilligan Centre For Sustainable Development, Village Sanawadiya
June 3,

Saturday 2017

10.1 p m
  • “Greening Indore + and  Connecting people Jaivik Setu


  • Our Natural Roots and Heritage
Ambrish Kela


Rashmi Joshi


Jimmy McGilligan Centre For Sustainable Development,


Jun4, 2017

Sunday10-1 pm


10.1 p m

  • नदी में डुबकियाँ
  • Riverine muse

Face to Face with Nature


  • Looking after  Dogs
Dileep Chinchalkar


Ashish Dubey



Anuradha Dubey


Jimmy McGilligan Centre For Sustainable Development



5 am – 8 am
  • Viewing Sunrise /walk with herd of goats/ cows / drop /Seed balls.
  • Integrating Nature in Daily life

Rajendra Singh,Anurag Shukla & Dinesh Kothari ,Raveena Chouhan

Getting together at

Jimmy McGilligan Centre For Sustainable Development walk to Sanawadiya

June 6,

Tuesday 2017


  • Water Conservation/Recharging water Sources “
  • Chief Guest Speech
  • Vote of Thanks
Maneesha Pathak

Sameer Sharma

Smita Bhardwaj IAS will preside over

Vandana Shiva Chief Guest

Janak Palta McGilligan


Jimmy McGilligan Centre For Sustainable Development

For Any Information on the same Pls Contact:

Janak Palta McGilligan

 729 ‘Giridarshan’,Village  Sanawadiya ,Kampel Road,

 District Indore 452016 M.P India

janakjimmy@gmail.com 09893719609/09425032935 /

website https://jimmymcgilligancentre.in/

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