#WorldEnvironmentDay #IAmWithNature
World Environment Week
June 6, 2017, “A week with Nature (June1-6,2017) based on UNEP theme for World Environment Day,concluded at Jimmy McGilligan Centre For Sustainable Development with its Chief Guest the Environmental Scientist and Researcher Activist , Dr.Vandana Shiva handing over 5 parabolic solar cookers to 5 woman needy, deserving landless women who have been cooking on firewood.
These five(in photo with their heads covered) Shaitan Bai 50 years old widow from , Bhil working from village Sunere Kuan Manpur district Indore needs eye operation, Chanda Bai Dhakad 55 years old widow from Sanwadiya , suffering with multiple health problems and low vision, Nahju Bai Rawat 35 years old mother of 4 daughters ,Bina Bai Janglia 38,Raju Bai all tribal in Sanawadiya. Each of them contributed 10 percent to towards Prince Cookers, costing Rs10,000 .Solar Cooker International in Sacramento has donated 90 % with the help their donor. Janak Palta McGilligan quoted her husband , late Jimmy McGilligan OBE always said” Cooking in smoky kitchens is a Violence against women and she also ensures that Solar Cookers are given to users after training them how to use and maintain. These women users were trained here by trainers of the Centre Nanda and Rajendra Chouhan on June,5, 2017 at the Centre.
Adressing the Validictory gathering , Dr Vandana Shiva said “ Ever-increasing use of poisonous chemicals and fertilizers in soil, conspiracy to end Indian indigenous diversity of food starting with seeds, oils and Cotton is resulting in larger population being unhealthy and in the grip of Cancer Diabetes, hypertension, heart problems .Threat to environment is threat to human life . Only way is to make seed banks, need to return to organic food patterns by doing organic farming is the way forward to improve nutritional value through concern Food as Health.Farmers suicides are also result of debt and Government policies. Use of Solar Cooking and Food processing technologies will add value to increase shelf life of perishable products will make it sustainable. She also warned over the threat to Indore’s world famous traditional food Vendors at Sarafa .
Mrs Smita Bhardwaj IAS ,Managing Director of MP Financial Corporation presided over and appreciated the efforts of Jimmy McGilligan Centre for organizing a week long indepth learning about serious problems and Environmental Issues faced globally and now closing it with a solution locally by empowering rural and tribal women with Solar Cookers is putting in action aligned with the prayer chanted by its director Janak Palta McGilligan highlighting “ Present World Needs demand deeds not the words . ” Anurag Shukla an organic farmer shared the brief report of the past 6 days activities and participatory talks . Main activities include viewing, feeling and appreciating various shades and forms of Nature e.g Raining. Sunrise, Sunset, bird watching by participants doing drawing, painting , reciting poetry, Nature Walk,
Music, Poetry and Inspiring prayers relating to Nature all in local language by Sangini Breast Cancer Survivors Group and Exhibition on Autibiography of Trees by Rajesh Sharma.Different subjects covered in sessions conducted by eminent and Role Models Dilip Chinchalkar, Dev Kumar Vasudevan, Ashish Dubey, Shubha Vaidya,Anuradha Dubey, Rashmi Joshi, Chinmay Mishra, Anurag Shukla,Rajendra Singh, Dinesh Kothari , Sameer Sharma and Green Heroes of Indore Mr Arun Dike, Ambrish Kela and Daniel from PTC and Janak Palta McGilligan .Subjects covered were soilseeds and food, water and rivers ,treeplantation and Heritage ,Indigenous foor, Sustainable life style, purpose of life with the help of PPTs and Documentries.
Anurag Shukla also shared the pledges and action plans by the participants will go for dropping seed balls on neighboring hilltops ,participating in hundreds of thousands Tree plantation on Dev Guradia Mountain and in Indore on July 2, 2017 and to adopt waste free life style, going for Organic food and use of renewable sources energy. All the participants brought their home made food made indigenous food to shared and generated no waste.Vote of thanks was given to all those about 500 participants of all ages during A week with Nature “