Entire team serves the Centre purely on honorary basis.

Dr. (Mrs) Janak Palta McGilligan
Dr. (Mrs) Janak Palta McGilligan serves as a Director at the Centre. She is a prominent Social Worker, Social Scientist and committed to Sustainable Development.
She left her home, job and family in Chandigarh and moved to Indore, as a Baha’i pioneer ,on June 1, 1985 in response to the call from National Spiritual Assembly of Baha’i’s of India to establish Barli Development Institute For Rural Women( http://www.barli.org ). She served as a director of the Institute for about 26 years for empowerment of 6000 tribal and rural young women from 500 socially and economically deprived villages of India to become social change agents for sustainable community development. She was able to do this work along with her dedicated husband Jimmy McGilligan who also left his home country ,family and business as a UK Baha’i pioneer and served a Manager of the Institute (1988-2011 ). For both of them this Institute was home, place of work, centre of their world, full of all concerns, worries, challenges , excitements and blissfulness !
Before she retired, other than developing and running the Institute’s 100 residential training courses , she did lot of academic and research works for the Institute . Inspired by the guidance from the Baha’i World Centre, with the help of the staff, members of the Board of Directors, Subject Experts and many professionals and her hands-on leaning at Barli, she was able to visualize, develop and write 8 curriculum books of the Institute, out of which 7 are published and only “Learning to develop myself and my community” was yet to be published.
She is the Founder and Editor ‘Kokila (Nightingale) started in 1993 as a monthly newsletter of Institute’ for neo-literates circulated to tribal and rural graduates among more than with 200 issues renamed Barli Ki Duniya and circulated among 500 communities and it is also online.
She did her doctorate “Sustainable Community Development through Training of Tribal and Rural Women a Human Resources” Devi Ahilya University Indore. 2004. This case study is also about the Institute.Last year she wrote a book The Barli Development Institute for Rural Women :Alternative Model of Women’s Empowerment in India was published by George Ronald Publisher Ltd. Oxford , England and she receivedDistinguished Scholarship Award from Association for Bahá’í Studies-North America, in Montreal on August 10,2012
Janak McGilligan considers her self as a learner and whatever she learnt there for 26 years ,she wanted to apply it in her own life after retirement .
She and her husband were looking forward to retire and move to “Giridarshan”, specially designed and built by Mr.McGilligan as a live demonstration of Sustainable Development at grassroots level in village Sanawadiya.
Unfortunately he passed away following a fatal road accident but his mission has been carried on by his wife Janak Palta McGilligan since June10,2011 after moving to Giridarshan.
Mrs. McGilligan continued efforts and dedication have naturally evolved this place as a Centre of learning for Sustainable Development .
She dedicates this website on 27 November to her beloved husband on completing 25 years of her marriage with him!
“Jimmy! My Silent Hero in Social Service! My pioneering partner!”
C.V. of Dr. (Mrs.) Janak Palta McGilligan
Programme Assistants (Training)

Mrs. Nanda Chouhan
Mrs. Nanda Chouhan serves as Programme Assistant at the Centre .She is a young tribal lady from district Alirajpur, has 13 years of experience at Barli Development Institute for Rural Women ,trained by its Manager Jimmy McGilligan in organic farming, Solar food processing, using , assembling and maintaining various types of Solar Cookers specially SK 14. She has also been trained by Heike Hoedt, German Solar Engineer of ‘ Solare-Bruecke’ in manufacturing Scheffler Reflector Solar Cooker 2.7 m² .
Nanda, a personal assistant to Janak Palta McGilligan, has been involved in building and developing ‘Giridarshan’ for the last three years. She is very dedicated, enthusiastic and well versed in training and demonstrating working of all the Sustainable Technologies & organically grown and solar food processed products at the Centre.
Programme Assistant (Sustainable Technologies)

Mr. Rajendra Singh Chouhan
Mr Rajendra Singh Chouhan serving as a Programme Assistant , has been involved in, repair, maintenance and development of all the Sustainable Technologies installed and operative at the Centre. He also takes care of organic farming , taking care of the cow, food production as well as preparing natural and herbal remedies for treatment of soil, composting .
Mr Rajendra Singh Chouhan , a tribal young man from Alirajpur district , never studied for an engineering degree, but with 13 years of work experience gained at Barli Development Institute for Rural Women. Having started as a unskilled worker but gained lot of knowledge and acquired diverse technical skills in organic gardening, farming, solar and other appropriate technologies due to loving encouragement by his manager Jimmy McGilligan. While working with him on various projects in Jhabua, Dattigoan, Dhani and Indore, he also learnt making Solar Kitchens. He also learnt manufacturing of 2.7 m² Scheffler Reflector Solar Cooker from Heike Hoedt, German Solar Engineer of ‘ Solare-Bruecke’ .
For the last three years, he has been working as personal assistant to Janak Palta McGilligan and has been a part of building and developing ‘Giridarshan’.
He is a very hardworking and technically well -informed. When anybody comes from outsides to see the Centre, he feels very proud to share all the technical information about all the technologies the Centre.
Local Volunteers
Fortunately, the Centre has a good local community support .Two youths Sunil Chouhan a student of class XII th and Raveena studying in class IX th teach the children everyday for one hour.
A group of local youths is always there for any Community service to Sanawadiya .

Dr. R. L. Sawhney
Advisor (Energy and Environment)
Department of Energy and Environment, T E R I University,
10 Institutional Area,Vasant Kunj, New Delhi-110070.
Tel. No.: +91-11-26122222, 26139-
Mobile No.: +91-9811089107
Fax. +91-11-2612874,
Email: rl.sawhney@teriuniversity.ac.

Mr.Wolfgang Scheffler
Advisor (Research & Development Scheffler Solar Systems)
German physicist , the inventor , revolutionary designer & promoter of diverse types and sizes of Scheffler large solar cookers All over the world more than 2000 Scheffler dishes installed in large Community Kitchens in residential facilities of Bakeries, Schools, Colleges, Universities, Worshipping places

MS. Heike Hoedt
Advisor (Manufacturing, Training & installing Scheffler Solar Thermal Devices)
“Since1996 Heike Hoedt, board member of Solare Brücke a German NGO , has been developing and promoting technical know-how on Scheffler Reflectors, their applications, and other solar thermal devices, like box cookers and solar food dryers in Afghanistan , India and many other countries .

Dr. Beth Bowen
Advisor (Sustainable Development and Health)
Elizabeth L Bowen MD, International Society of Doctors for the Environment.She is actively involved in international initiatives. She has served as a public health physician, educator and development consultant in more than 60 countries and 30 islands, in Europe, the Middle East, the Pacific, Africa, Asia, and the Americas. Working in collaboration with the UN (United Nations), the WHO( World Health Organization), UN Women, UNICEF, the Gates Foundation, universities and the Baha’i International Community. Her Special Interests: Jungian psychology, public health, medicine, education and global development.

Er. Deepak Gadhia
Advisor (Solar Engineering, Bio-gas Power Plants )
Trustee( Board member) Muni Seva Ashram ( www.greenashram.org)

Mr. Ajay Kumar
Advisor (Organic Farming and Sustainable Livelihood)
Consultant / Advisor on Agriculture , Livelihood Programs and on e-Governance projects
M.Tech Electrical Egg (Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), New Delhi) 1977
Email: ajaykumaragri@gmail.com
Mobile No.: +91- 9926808850

Dr. Chetan D. Parikh
Advisor ( Value Based Education and Development )
Pro.& Head of Academic Programmes,
Institute of Information & Communication Technology
B.Tech, IIT Bombay, 1985, Phd University of Florida Gainsville, USA 1992

Prof. Dr. Ajay Chandak
Advisor (Energy Audit & Renewable Energy)
Consultant & Trainer in Renewable Energy.
Ph.D. (Solar Concentrators), M.Tech. (Mech) IITB,
Certified Energy Auditor & Renewable Energy Consultant,
PRINCE (Promoters, Researchers & Innovators in New & Clean Energy), Suman Foundation,
Agra Road, Opp. Swagat Lodge, Deopur, DHULE: 424005 INDIA.
Ph. No.: 0091-2562-271995,
Mob No.: 0091-9823033344
Email: renewable.consultant@gmail.com
Web: www.princeindia.org

Dr Swarnjit Kaur
Advisor( Sustainable Development for Human Rights and Duties)
Associate Professor & Coordinator
Centre for Human Rights and Duties, Panjab University,
Chandigarh 160014 INDIA
Email: swarnjit.k@gmail.com

Mrs. Abha Tiwari
Advisor (Science for Sustainable Development)
MSc Biotechnology DAVV Indore , Certification course, Clinical Research from Tulane University
New Orleans , USA
Email – abhatiwari22@gmail.com

Mr. Gaurav Palta
Advisor (Financial Management)
Charted Accountant
Financial Planning and Analysis,
Finance, Tata Teleservices Limited Noida U.P. India
Email: Gaurav.Palta@tatadocomo.com